Monday, November 05, 2007

almost tilted

Ever go on tilt? I am sure you have just like me. I found myself on the edge the other day dropped like 10% of my banroll at bodog after being up from my high. It was always second best or suckout city.from $311 to $257 in like 2 hours.....So Bodog must want some of the money back? I had to change it up so I played 7std0/8 at stars and won it back and little on top of that.
I guess I will teach bodog a lesson and cashout $200 and start over with $57 and play the begineer sngs there they pay top 5 spots.

Thanks for the advice ash !! Maybe someday I will read a pokerbook but I should know better
myself then to mix it up with those starters but you got to mix up play every once and awhile?
Maybe I just need to stick with ass tight......

Bodog $257
ab $13
stars $77

year +$293

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