Saturday, March 17, 2007

hit me again

Well cashed out another $100 at bodog so bankroll at $111 and only down $80 for the year.
Better than being down $300 which is where I was at in january.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

check time!

Well I finally got tha check from bodog took 21 days. But at least it should cash it has no reference that is from a gambling site ,and its cut from an american bank so all is good.

Anyway I have been playing a few cash games an sngs and got the eggroll to $170 .
See ya at the tables


Thursday, March 01, 2007

freeroll $

cashed in the bodog freeroll again fo $9.60

20th of 4000

banrkoll $123

busted out with poket 77 only had 3x the big blind.Large stack caught an Ace he had A2 off
seems about right for donkey land